
Once More With Feeling

Since I totally screwed up my last couple posts by not answering comments, I've decided to start anew.

Happy Easter to those who celebrate and to those who don't.

I was raised in a pentecostal church that was just coming to terms with allowing women to wear their hair down and something other than dresses. The laying on of hands was an every day occurence. People rolling down aisles, speaking in numerous tounges with people crying for interpretations is a normal church service to me.

I think I learned more about the devil in church than I ever learned about Jesus. That's sad.

My favorites are black churches. The music might be as pure as angels.

I've always said that I don't think God is bound by religion. I like Catholics because they believe in prayer. And I like Baptists because they believe in the blood. And I like pentecosts cause they have faith that can move mountains. And I like Shooter Jennings cause he's waiting in his black cadillac for Jesus to return. And if God didn't make cadillacs, then nothing is true.

Whatever it is that you believe, let us hope that people will stop insisting that God has ordained the killing of others in his name.

And this just might be as religious as I'll get.

Now, before I do anymore writing, I'm going to go and visit all my favorite blogs and pay my dues.

*UPDATE: because of a lot of emails asking questions about my background, I have updated the About This Site link on the sidebar.



The GTL™ said...

And happy Easter to you, Chris! God Bless you and yours, and may you blog ON, and ON, and ON, Sir. I appreciate your message ... a LOT.

Day by Day said...

Chris... I like your take on religion... I am Methodist. What do you say about us? LOL! ;)

I too love the black churches... the music is so inspirational...

Again... I like these post! :)

Chris said...

GTL, thank you. Your site has always been a favorite of mine.

cowgirl, no need to be sorry. I read yesterday where central Illinois was hit again, like Cole County area. That's just crazy. It's so flat there, it's like a magnet. Stay safe.

Shayna, Methodists, hummm, I like Methodists cause they believe in God's grace-- for everyone and not just for those who walk their line.

Thanks for reading!