
Because Only Real Patriots Wear Flag Pins

Can it get any more pathetic? Karl Rove criticizes Obama for not wearing a flag on his lapel.

Rove: "Well, to a lot of ordinary people, putting that flag lapel pin on is true patriotism."

GQ: "You're not wearing a flag pin, Karl."

Rove: "Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. But I respect those who consciously get up in the morning and put a flag lapel pin on."

This is about the most retarded thing ever! In the Republican fantasy world patriotism is not fighting in the war that you so insist is the struggle of our generation, it's wearing a stupid pin on your jacket. Notice McCain doesn't wear one. Since he's a Republican, at least this year he is, he doesn't have to wear one. But Democrats that don't wear flag pins are not patriots. To Rove, and his fantasy world Republicans, getting up in the morning and putting on that pin is true patriotism. It's not getting up in the morning and smelling the napalm. Oh no, it's getting up in the morning, shaking off your wood from your wet dreams of war without end and slapping on a flag pin. That's patriotism. And that's the current state of the GOP. I would be embarrassed to be associated with such. Can you say fascism?


Kent said...

I don't think Rove or any other Republican thinks that patriotism is linked to a lapel pin.

But I do know that Rove and Republicans take the total of a person's opinions and public statements and derive from that whether someone is a patriot or not.

And this is where the Democrats have been getting themselves into trouble the past 48 years, or so. Their opinions, bad decisions, bad judgments, public statements and feckless inaction have weakened America or put America at risk or resulted in American casualties abroad or here at home.

Or course, Jefferson, FDR and Truman were among the best Presidents ever, and proud Democrats. But the bad ones, Carter and Clinton, Johnson and Kennedy, have been destructive.

Chris said...

There's been nothing more destructive or less patriotic than the invasion of Iraq. Bush is the worst president in 80 years. And the chickenhawk Republicans only kid themselves into thinking they can discern patriotism.

"And this is where the Democrats have been getting themselves into trouble the past 48 years, or so. Their opinions, bad decisions, bad judgments, public statements and feckless inaction have weakened America or put America at risk or resulted in American casualties abroad or here at home."

That's the funniest paragraph I've ever read.

Kent said...

My agent tells me I'm good at writing comedy, which is cool. But I'm deadly serious here.

UK PM Gordon Brown is absolutely correct when he says “The world owes President Bush a huge debt of gratitude in leading the world in our determination to root out terrorism."

Certainly you're not disagreeing with my contention that the Presidencies of Carter and Clinton were -- and remain -- foreign policy disasters, are you?

Do you also deny the JFK and LBJ legacies of defeat in Vietnam?

Blame Bush all you want, but he's really just cleaning up -- and dealing with -- messes created by President's 39 and 42, and perceptions resulting from 35 and 36.