
Worst BO Performance Ever!

I must be on an Obama kick or something these last couple days but I gotta link to a video this morning of Barack in Cali absolutely flubbing on his foreign policy experience and credibility. I say this as someone who has spent quite a bit of time with the guy. I've see him give some amazing speeches and give some superb on the fly interviews. What's always impressed me most about him was his ability to wittingly talk to anyone at anytime.

I was with him once in Chicago, which is not a stretch for him to fit in, and then the next day in Benton, IL- a town almost 400 miles south of Chicago and nearly all white and not too long ago held a KKK rally on its town square-- where he drew the biggest crowd that town had ever seen politically, and mostly all white southern rednecks. His charisma is definitely a gift.

But this morning was not one of his best performances. He looks tired and in great need of a coffee or a cigarette. Don't worry it's short, roll the tape...

Did he really say that having lived abroad in a Muslim country would give him credibility?