
Romney's Last Stand

Could tomorrow really be Big Love Romney's last stand? I can't see how another second place finish is going to benefit Romney, but I also don't see him bowing out just yet if he doesn't win it. Given the money's he spent he should probably own all of Iowa and New Hampshire by now, but Michigan is Romney's home state. A state where his father was governor and a state that is economically at odds with every politician out there right now. A second place finish isn't the end of the world for Romney though it's gotta feel like getting kicked in the nuts really hard.

As we can see Romney still holds a solid enough lead over McCain, and let's not forget about Huckabee polling a respectable third. Maybe Joseph Smith will send Big Love some kind of revelation and he'll pull off some sort of miracle. If Romney doesn't win Michigan I'm not sure I'll have any interest in watching any more election coverage.