
Terror or Storms: All the Same

While I’m on the subject of stupid things Bush has said post Katrina, I thought I would proceed.

I first got this one from Josh Marshall, who has a great site and puts a lot of time into his work, earlier today and just now bothered to read it. This is a continuation from Bush’s I’m going to investigate myself quote earlier.

"We still live in an unsettled world. We want to make sure we can respond properly if there is a WMD (weapons of mass destruction) attack or another major storm."

I can’t believe Bush is still talking about WMD. What is he thinking here? Is that the only acronym he knows? I wonder if he’s talking about Iraqi WMD or someone else’s. But, really, if this were a terrorist attack with WMD, then wow we are not prepared one bit.

What is interesting is that Bush includes a terrorist attack with “another storm.” Meaning that in case of another terrorist attack on American soil the same government response agencies (FEMA, Homeland Security, etc.) would be required, and react in much the same way. Hence, we’re in trouble.

Time to get back to work Georgie boy and figure out what in the hell has been going on these last four years.


Chris said...

Again with the spam.

Craig said...

There is a new program that Blogger has that will prevent spam. It is in the tools, and it asks for one other step to verify real people.

David Schantz said...

You get that too (?). I hope that Katrina will teach United States citizens to be more self reliant. Have you ever heard of Jabbar Gibson? I heard and posted about him today. I've heard he could be hauled into court for doing what federal, state and local government was not getting done. I hope not.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Cooper said...

I think he is cracking up - red rover better get a handle on his boy.

There is no doubt that if anything of real significance happens we are in trouble. We know what has been going on these past four years; positions have been handed out to friends, favors have been returned, money has been made by all....by all who matter to these people. We know this happens with all administrations but not to this degree and not to the point where the very structure of our government is affected.

Indeed the more I see the more I realize they don't want us to see, and it is not because they feel any great need to protect loved ones , we all know that. Just looking at the news right now and seeing things getting started today that should have been started a week ago ... well ya know it goes on and on.

Let me go get rid of my WMD now. I've had them a couple of years and I really don't think they are even close to finding them, even though I advertised them in the Village Voice, but ya never know.

Anonymous said...

It would appear, and remember I voted for this guy, that he's lost whatever grip he had on the federal government and this term may just turn out to be a wash. It's not that I think he's stupid per se, I just don't think he truly understands what it takes to lead a nation. I think this storm and it's devastation were beyond his comprehension.

He's a CEO afterall, and not a very good one at that. These are people, as near as I can tell, with great abilities to see in three demensions or to work through complex problems. They are bottom-liners and short-term solutionists. When something of this gravity happens, he's completely caught unawares and resorts to something familiar, like WMD's.

Anonymous said...

that should be without great abilities, whoops!

Chris said...

Craig, I might have to do that. I did check into it. But it might require some work, so you know I'll be putting that off.

Alice, be careful, with WMD and provocative pictures, Bush and the moral authority will surely come for you next.

Mark, I do agree. It's not that I don't think Bush is capable, because I'm sure he is smart, but when someone takes over 330 vacation days in 5 years, they can't possibly be on top of stuff. If I leave for two days and my desk is flooded and my voicemails are full. But, almost an entire year of vacation? That's just nuts. Bush needs to be more attentive. That's a summation of a very complex argument.

Thanks everyone for reading.