
Riding It Out

"We'll get on top of this situation."

The above quote from President Bush implies a lot of things. Taken out of context, the quote can be turned in all sorts of directions. Firstly, the quote leaves the impression that the federal government, which Bush is the head of, is not entirely aware and not appropriately in control of the situation. That's an easy assumption to make.

Many people are circulating this quote to demonstrate that Bush et al., are incompetent to the point of allowing the crisis to escalate. So, is this quote out of context especially how I have posted it above?

It depends on what context one is speaking about. Is it in regards to the crisis, or the management thereof? Is it political or is it real? Nevertheless, spinning, circulating quotes, pointing fingers and passing blame right now does nothing to help those who are so desperately in need. And that is the reality of a very grave situation.

But there are many forces involved in this. And blaming Bush can be handled in two ways. Politically and publicly.

Politically speaking, and this is a political blog, I think it is entirely fair to look in the direction of Bush and ask what the hell is going on and why was the federal government (FEMA) not prepared. There are many factors to look at when considering this. Federal funding for disasters is a fair target, especially when during a terrorist attack the response from the federal government will come about the same way and from the same agencies as in a natural disaster like that in New Orleans. If New Orleans is looked at as an example of how Bush's post 9/11 government will respond during a crisis then it is a total failure and this country is not prepared at all for another attack.

Publicly speaking, the fair and right thing to do is to get relief to New Orleans and worry about the blame later. Publicly, the political is useless and hampers the relief efforts. Right now both are happening simultaneously and creating so much confusion.

Politically speaking, it is totally believable that if Clinton were still in power or any Democrat that the Repubs would use this crisis as a way of painting the Dems as weak and unprepared. Politics is a circle. And Karl Rove would jump all over this if it happened during a Democratic administration.

There are two worlds. One political and one real. We need to be real right now.


Jes said...

that's the most disgusting spam I've ever read!!!

ugh....people are sick.

Jake Porter said...

As someone once said on a blog to insult the spammers. "I have some dirt click here to buy."

On the topic I think that FEMA is not designed to deal with actual tragedies after researching them I have found out that they are building what appears to be concentration camps for the next terrorist attack and will take over if the president decides to sign an executive order declaring martial law.


Jacob said...

I tend to agree but am torn.
I can see even the more conservative news anchors are at times finding this inadequate display hard to take. The news this week has been exhausting and I want to just not watch it but how dare I do that when so many are suffering.
Spam, I take it, is unwanted comments or advertising in the blog?

Craig said...

There are some things that are even out of the control of the president, not even he can walk on water. There is a government set up to deal with the happenings of life. It is quite obvious that it failed.

But it's not the president's fault, it's not the fault of the people of New Orleans, it is nature's fault. And there is little we can do to stop mother nature. We must learn from this and guarantee that it never happens again.

There will be a time for politicizing this event, but your right, now is not the time. But my true feeling is that Republican or Democrat, some things cannot be stopped.

Cooper said...

Obviously the political blame game will have to come into play later but I blame no one for point out certain things right now and don’t think it hurts any relief efforts.

I believe that the news media is right to point out that there are still people that are in need of relief , food water, medicine and that although the FEMA people and guard people that have arrived are working their ass off and doing a wonderful job it is nowhere near enough; by doing this they keep the pressure on and I think it has actually helped expedite the process of getting aid to people that might have gotten it later rather than sooner. I believe, and I truly do, that because these people are in general poorer and have nothing really to give as far as gain to the Republican party there was no rush to save them so it was a let FEMA do it works type of attitude while Bush played golf on Monday. I don’t think there is any doubt that the attitude of this administration at least at the beginning of this was not good and you can say the libs are politicizing it all you want it is an abomination what has happened. I certainly do not want to impede any relief efforts and I am usually pretty reasonable for a young liberal democrat but in this case as long as it does not impede any relief efforts I think that certain facts should be pointed out.
Did anyone hear the Mayor of New Orleans today on television?
That was poignant and made the point clearer than any” outraged, liberal crazy, democratic, bloggers could.

I do so hate to disagree with people that I find reasonable.

MJ: You know you've made it big when the spammers arrive.

Chris said...

Yeah Jessica, the spam gets old.

Jake, I'll have to research some of that FEMA stuff. Thanks for commenting.

bussinessman, you're right it is hard to watch it all. I think conservative anchors will do their spin and liberal anchors will do theirs as well. People will get out of it whatever it is that they perceive, or whatever it is that tote's their party line. Yes, spam is unwanted comments and advertising. Thanks for reading. I wish you had a site I could visit.

Craig, I agree now is not the time, but I completely disagree that Bush is not at fault. It is his government that has failed in its response to the crisis. Even Bush has admitted such. He's in charge, and the blame can't be passed onto anyone but him. He has the lowest approval ratings of any president since the advent of polling. He is to blame. I will say again, if after 9/11 we are to judge America's response to a crisis by Katrina then Bush has failed miserably. Surely after 9/11 we would be better prepared than this. Now might not be the time to blame, but trust me when that time comes Bush is the first on the list. True we can't stop a hurricane, but we can stop the unnecessary events that follow. I see this as the beginning of the end for Bush.

Graham, good to see you around. Time will come. Trust me.

Alice, I think that is my favorite response of all time by you. If the failure of the Bush administration to respond to a crisis does not anger us all then we don't deserve to vote.

Thanks to all for reading. Everyone have a good weekend and please donate to the relief effort. We all have so much; we can at the least either give money, clothes, food or other supplies. Stay safe this weekend.

Chris said...

Yeah Jin, this Roberts thing is starting to fire me up as well.

Joseph, I agree Bush has failed. Get ready for the spin now, because Rove is going to unleash a fury of events.