
Longing for the Middle

Bill Clinton understands the middle maybe more than any one person in American politics. Lincoln, too, was a man of the middle. Reagan, and the first George Bush, knew the importance of middle ground.

Today, the middle is a political cage match. The right wing administration of the second George Bush has made the middle a desolate place. When someone wants to work some middle ground in today’s politics it has to be argued, defended and way too many times the middle is ridiculed. Anything remotely centrist is commonly referred to as “anti-Bush,” and the most disheartening label of “anti-American.”

When did the middle become so non-mainstream?

The importance of middle ground in American politics is paramount. The Constitution itself is but a compromise of spectrums from the Founding Fathers. When the states disagreed with the Constitution and refused to ratify, the Founding Fathers went back and compromised a Bill of Rights in order to guarantee certain rights the states felt were most significant for their citizens. The states didn’t get everything they wanted, but they did get 10 historic Amendments that would make any middle ground politician ecstatic.

Today it’s either with us or against us. It’s either liberal or conservative. It’s either Michael Moore or George W. Bush. Unless one completely agrees with the right or left, then you are considered hostile to either spectrum.

I’m not foolish enough to think that only neocons have embarked this new era of politics. The same is very true for liberals as well. Unless you are in favor of the choice to terminate a pregnancy or against the 2nd Amendment, or are not tickled to death for gay marriage, then you are considered one of those Bush types.

Or wait, does that last paragraph sound too middle ground for ya?

The middle ground has saved the United States of America more times than any liberal or conservative movement. If the middle ground is squashed and labeled as “anti” then the future of this country is in grave danger.

Ask any German what happens when the middle is ignored. What allowed Fascism to thrive was the lack of centrist voices. Ask any Russian what happens when the middle is viewed as hostile “enemies of the state.” For Lenin and Stalin to marshal in their authoritarian regimes the middle had to be silenced.

Right wing or left wing movements almost always want to censor the middle. In fact, the middle is viewed as more dangerous than the opposing side. The middle contains the eye of the storm, the calm of it all. The middle allows room for compromise. It tempers down both sides when they get out of hand. Many say it’s the rise of the middle class that allows America to vie. But it’s really the middle ground that keeps America moving forward.

So many times I hear people complaining about politicians moving to the center. John McCain is hammered all the time for taking centrist approaches. Fox News, and many other right wing nut jobs, label him as a Democratic or liberal sympathizer, as someone who is obstructing the “people’s work.” John McCain is anything but any of that stuff. The same is true for Hillary Clinton. Now all of a sudden she’s only trying to make herself electable by moving towards the center, as if trying to be more mainstream is something new for politicians (Lincoln did it). Apparently it’s perfectly all right to move as far right as almost Americanly possible (like Bush) and still win, but it’s not okay to move one step towards the center.

The middle must be heard. We cannot afford to lose the middle. This polarization of Party politics can prove to be very costly if we don’t begin to question many things right now. It all can be saved by questions.


Unknown said...

You do realize that now I can't get "Stuck in the Middle With You" out of my head.

But seriously folks, I think what we have here is right wing that has become mad with the idea that all liberals are commi socialist Anti-American pigs who need to be destroyed. Not that she can be taken seriously but the political theme of the right can best be embodied in the writings of Ann Coulter. She leads the charge in the idea that liberals are not to be consulted or conferenced with but rather destroyed without temperance. Her version of the two party system is Pat Buchanan and John McCain.

By the same token you have Democrats whom for many years had a virtual monopoly on the federal gov and are very much longing for the good ole days. In that vein they must eviscerate the Republicans, not work with them.

While the middle may be the land of common sense, it is not the cure for what ails the folks whom are religously partisan.

Great post!

Household6 said...

MJ -
Hear, hear to this post. My brother and I have been struggling with this concept for years.

In general I've noticed during the primary elections each party seems to push the person that is more towards the extremem of the spectrum. I've watched as those selected whose stance about abortion or illegal immigrants, etc migrate towards the party's stance instead of what their original choice may have been. It's like if you are to be the representative of this party you must subscribe to these stances or we won't support you.

I run more towards the center, and have voted for the opposite of my registered party for the last 3 elections. I wish a more viable and pubicly recognised thrid more temperate party would rear its pretty head so I could vote more towards my true thoughts on government.

PS - If you live overseas don't forget to vote by abentee ballot. I do!


Chris said...

Yeah Mark I do agree with ya.

I think the Ann Coulter types are just the epitome of what's wrong with the right.

I think it's okay to be partisan, but I also think there are some issues, such as poverty and foreign policy, that should not be as politically partisan as they are.

Bush has no room for compromise, disagreement or opinions. It's his way or no way. That's not politics, that's a moral wrong.

I think the middle ground has to become louder. And I also think Bush is horrible.

Chris said...

Thanks household.

Personally, I don't like the direction either Party is heading. The Republicans think they own God. The Democrats think they have to be the polar opposite of anything Republican.

I am a Democrat, but I do not hate Republicans. There are many Republican platforms that I do agree with.

The neocons are controlling the Republican Party, which will eventually destroy them.

I don't care if something is right wing or left wing, if it works let's do it. To polarize everything just because someone doesn't agree on an issue is bad politics and will lead this country down a scary path.

Bush thinks he is guided by the right hand of God, and so does bin Laden.

Anonymous said...

Great post MJ though I don't know if we are the type to form a movement of our own. The extremists on both sides have one thing going for them - passion and that just doesn't seem to jive for the cool-headed rationalists stuck in the middle.

And mind you, they are passionate because they hold to absolute "truths." Tell the conservative we should compromise on gay rights and he or she would tell you homosexuality is an abomination. Tell that same person embryonic stemm cell research might lead to cures that save lives and he or she will tell you it is murder. They are upholding a value they were taught to believe as true.

Tell the feminist liberal that abortion should be regulated because there are legitimate questions regarding the fetus' humanity and he or she will accuse you of being anti-woman. Tell the gay liberal he or she that you are willing to provide domestic partnership, civil unions, or empployment nondiscrimination rights but not marriage and he or she will say you are a bigot denying them of the full meaning of personhood.

These people have a lot at stake. Compromisers generally do not, save the institution or the idea they are fighting to preserve, and the thing they are willing to forsake they value less than the the idea or thing they are fighting to preserve.

Handsome B. Wonderful said...


Excellent post!! I agree that the moderates of both parties need to continue to form a coalition. It is indeed the centrist view that has held this nation together. I am mostly liberal but I do have independent views on other issues that might be classified as Republican (god forbid to some people).

Anyway, I am looking forward to these '06 elections to see if the American public is finally ready again to elect some moderates. We just elected a moderate dem senator in Colorado in Ken Salazar and I couldn't be happier.

We need cool headed senators. That is the purpose of the senate after all (at least it use to be) to kind of cool things down and look at both sides.

Compromise is the name of the game.

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

I forgot some stuff that I wanted to say, ha!!


I would be VERY satisfied if a moderate dem such a John Edwards, Wesley Clark or Bill Richardson were to become our next President or McCain on the moderate right.

The Republican party is no more. As you said it has been hijacked by the radical right. My parents were Eisenhower Republicans (very moderate) and now they don't know WHAT to do.