
Couple Quick Things

Just a couple quick things and then I'm starting my weekend.

First, here is a nice little website that gave me a chuckle, which I'm sure will just infuriate anyone that praises George W. Bush. You have to have your sound up or it just won't be the same. Anyway it's something to think about.

I also have two really good political ideology test websites. Politopia, I think, does a decent job of testing your opinions. Just click on Politopia Quiz on the left and start the test. Plus it gives a really cool graphic of the political landscape at the end. I tried to copy and paste my results into this post, but it wouldn't work right. As far as I can tell, that is really my only complaint. I landed just a little to the left of the center point, directly on the mainstream line.

This Typology Test (Where do you fit?) might be the best I have seen. Kudos to Gun Toting Liberal for linking to it. I think the questions and answers are much easier to quantify, and your results are tabulated in a way that you don't have to agree or disagree entirely. The best part is at the end it links to definitions and explanations of the different results. And it does it all with percents and graphs and all kinds of neat stuff. I think Typology Test might be the best I've done. My result was "liberal," but it's more than that. It's quick and painless, so give it a try.

It's early Saturday morning and I'm off to play some golf and think about other things. Have a good weekend.


Unknown said...

I came up as living in centerville on the first one and pro-government Conservative on the second one.


CaliValleyGirl said...

In the first test I was in the North West: You would feel most at home in the Northwest region. You advocate a large degree of economic and personal freedom. Your neighbors include folks like Ayn Rand, Jesse Ventura, Milton Friedman, and Drew Carey, and may refer to themselves as "classical liberals," "libertarians," "market liberals," "old whigs," "objectivists," "propertarians," "agorists," or "anarcho-capitalist."

I like that. I am an anarcho-capitalist...lol.

I came out Upbeat on the second one, and I would have to say this test is pretty spot on.

And I wasn't infuriated by the Bush flash presentation, I just disagree with it. But that's probably because I am so upbeat!

Chris said...

Yeah, I think politopia is pretty good. I took politopia some time last year and I was directly in the center. Now I'm a little left of center, but still in centerville. It must be all that hatred towards Bush that I have :)

OK Dem, I understand.

ValleyGirl, I think the tests were head on for you. You are such a good participant.

Yeah I don't agree with the Bush flash thing either. I thought it was funny. I think Bush is lousy, but I don't think he's Hitler. I disagree with him on a lot of political stuff, but personally I think he would be cool to drink a beer with.

Thanks everyone for reading and commenting.

The GTL™ said...

Hey man, thanks for the link! Blog ON....