
Here's A Novel Idea...

...why not have Iraq pay for its own reconstruction?

Democrats flaunt legislation that would force Iraqis to pay for their own reconstruction. If y'all remember correctly, we were told by by the administration that Iraq would pay for itself. Why isn't that happening? It's time we take Bush & Co. up on their offer. We can't just chalk this up to another pre-war lie like we've grown accustomed to. Making Iraqis pay for this war will make Iraqis work harder to speed up the political reconciliation that desperately needs to happen to end this thing. After all, the most conservative approach to any political subject is that people should not be dependent upon other people to foot the bill. It would be hard for any serious chickenhawk war supporter that calls themselves a conservative to not support legislation requiring Iraqis to use their oil surplus to pay for our taxpayer financed nation building social welfare services.


Kent said...

I completely agree.