
What's John To Do?

First of all, if I was John McCain or a McCain supporter (and I'm neither) I'd be furious with the NY Times. I don't know how many have read the story but I kept waiting for the smoking gun per se. It reads to me as a bunch of allegations with no support. It's clear McCain's aides saw something between their boss and Iseman they thought didn't look so great in the public eye. But that's a long way from an affair, or unethical ties to a lobbyist. Even McCain admits to some inappropriate behavior, which we can only conclude means something more than a friendly relationship, but still The Times would have better off not to run this story, or at least run it without the support it needs.

Judging on past allegations of extra marital affairs, if McCain is elected president, Congress should immediately setup an independent council with an unlimited budget and subpoena powers to investigate the president. That's the precedent set by Congress and it should be followed as intended. Allegations turn into coverups and coverups into grand juries and grand juries into impeachment. Oh it will be a fun time.


The more I think about it, if I were Mitt Romney or a Romney supporter (and I'm neither) I would be furious with The Times too. Why did they wait this long to run their meaningless story? Even though it's nothing but allegations, it would have no doubt benefited Romney more than anyone else. I know The Times says they waited until they had a complete story before they ran it but the convenience of that answer suffices to say Romney should be just as mad as McCain. A story like this could have changed the entire primary for the GOP, especially since GOPers consider themselves so morally superior to everyone else. Here's some coverage of how Camp Romney feels right about now.

*Photo courtesy NY Times.


Kent said...

Hey, she's hot. I'd bang her.

Chris said...

Oh definitely! That's one thing we can't say about Monica.