
If You Can't Face a House Vote, How Can You Face Al-Qeada?

Republicans walk out of the House in demonstration to a contempt vote on White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten and Supreme Court Justice former White House counsel Harriet Miers for their refusal to cooperate with Congressional subpoenas in the investigation of the U.S. Attorney purge. The vote passed despite the Republican walkout 232-32.

I find this very interesting since yesterday we just saw Roger Clemens doing the very same thing before a Congressional committee. Actually, Clemens' testimony yesterday had nothing to do with the government or tax payer's money, whereas Bolton and Miers both have everything to do with our tax dollars. Why is it Clemens has to show up and Bush's cronies don't? That's because the Bush administration has used the shield of executive privilege to block staff and former staff members from testifying before Congress, an unprecedented presidential move.

Contempt charges will now go to the District U.S. Attorney where Attorney General Mukasey has given orders to ignore.