
Big Love in Big Trouble?

Seems all signs are pointing in the direction of McCain for Super Tuesday, but I'm not willing to count Big Love out just yet. It is still very possible for the polls not to be figuring in early voting in most Super Tuesday states. But as you can tell from the image below, McCain's polling lead is huge. One noticable bright spot for Romney is California, which appears it could go either way.

Notice Utah where Romney has more than a 40 point lead. Wonder why?


Kent said...

Romney will probably win California tomorrow based upon reliably conservative Orange County and San Diego County...

...But he's still going to be way behind in the overall delegate count.

Nice to see you back, Christopher.

Chris said...

Thanks Kent!

Kent said...

Hey, I'm still waiting for my autographed photo of the Magic Negro.

Call me so I can give you my address.

Chris said...

Those counties must not have been too reliable. Big Love is all but out. If I were a Republican I would have wanted Romney over McCain also. Actually if I were a Republican, which I'm glad I'm not, I would be all for Ron Paul, he's really the only conservative in the race.