
Left Behind

I gotta agree with Ezra on this. To suggest that religion ought not matter when choosing a president and then on the other hand mention that he's a Christian just like the rest of us, is disappointing and misleading on a lot of fronts.

I know Mormons consider themselves Christians, but what about those Christians, like me, who don't consider Mormonism a Christian denomination? But, that only brings to light Christians, just like Romney did in his speech. The problem with the whole thing is not that he considers himself Christian or whatever, but that there are millions of people in this country who are not Christian. Where do they fit in? And I'm not just talking about atheists either. I'm talking about Jews, who are not Christian and do not believe Jesus to be the Christ. Are Jews excluded from Romney's Mormon vision of America? His speech leaves a lot to be discussed, though I doubt it will get the attention it deserves.

That begs me to mention that I can't possibly fathom if a Democratic candidate actually believed that the Garden of Eden was in Missouri, and that when Jesus does return he will return to Jackson County, Missouri to setup New Jerusalem and his kingdom. I highly doubt that Hillary or Obama would get a free pass on such monumental (if not historically and theologically impossible) matters as what Mitt Romney is getting.

Having a media that actually questions candidates would be nice every now and then.