I get a lot of emails from people complaining that I never have anything good to say about President Bush. That I’m always complaining about something and there is nothing Bush could do that I would agree with. Sometimes I’ll concur with them and admit there isn’t much harmony with me and the neocons, and since 2003 there isn’t much of anything of substance that I agree with the Bush administration about. But today I want to write about something that Bush does that gives me a glimmer of hope that maybe I can like him even if it’s on a single off-the-wall topic.
That topic would be physical fitness.
It’s pretty well known that President Bush likes to flex his muscles. Usually most people think of it in the form of military muscle, of the talk big and carry a bigger stick diplomacy that he’s world renowned for. He’s not shy about starting fights or at flaunting his machismo. He’s also not shy at conveying to others the benefits of physical fitness.
According to the president’s annual medical examination, he is in “superior” physical condition. The word superior is so right wing of him. Nevertheless, it is noted that Bush can bench press 185lb. five times in a row and runs up to five miles a day at around a 7 minute mile. That’s impressive for a 60 year old. On top of that, Bush is also a sports fan. He is known to spend most of his free time watching football or baseball. He also used to own the Texas Rangers, and did throw a mighty fine looking strike for the first pitch of a MLB game back in 2001. It almost makes him manly, if not human.
This one aspect, though, is something that I can actually relate to. As many of you know, I like sports and probably next to sleeping, sports are the only thing that I actually might know something about. Plus I’m very keen on physical fitness. Now I’m no Arnold, but I do my fair share of exercising and protein consumption. I do lack sometimes in the running, but I have no cartilage on either of my knees, so running is excruciating most of the time. I do like to stay in shape. I’m not always the best at it or always the most dedicated, but I do enjoy it-- plus, it’s great stress relief.
So there you all have it. George Bush and I do have a couple things in common. We like sports. We like to sleep. And both have occasionally been known to have too many beers at times.
See what you did. You had to poke me with a sharp stick. :P Well...it's nice of you to try to find common ground with the President. That is, as you point out, such a rare occurrence on this blog. That's rather generous of you.
May I add the obvious point that not all conservative Republicans are (big government)neo-cons? Many of them have serious problems with his domestic policies, at least as far as border security/immigration reform is concerned...and a few might resent the implication that they are Bush-bots or anything similar. I know I would be annoyed by that description, if you were actually accusing me of such a thing (which I assume you are not).
I like that you try to be reasonable and try to find common ground with our apocalypse obsessed leader.
I always felt that he was crazy as crap but after seeing him recently I have concluded he would be a good time at a party as long as he didn’t start preaching the gospel in the Pauline traditon - which we know he would as he holds the same contempt for intellectual inquiry as Paul has been noted historically ( or as best we can tell0 to have had.
I do think it is important to stay in shape and it figures this guy would be in shape and have no chance of having to abdicate his stolen thrown to his close to dead ( and secretly bionic ) second in command.
Nice to know that you stay in shape Chris. I prefer my blog links to be healthy, strong, fairly liberal or at least open to discussion.
I will have to post under anonymous as my old blog will be deleted. Unless you change you settings.
Well... what do you know Bush and Chris have something in common...
Just don't become one of those body builders that are just icky... I mean icky to look at... they look so deformed...
I too try to stay in shape... it kicks my ass most of the time... but I have to keep my girlish figure somehow.....
It is nice to have something in common with our leader I guess.You had to dig hard for that one MJ didn't you?
I used to row, now I kayak and do go to the gym, but I only make it three times a week if I am lucky; often it is only twice a week. I run daily.
I'd like to have the time to go to a gym daily but my intentions are good.
We eat pretty well if that means anything.
Great - so in high school I was benching more than our superiorly shaped president :-)
He's got me in the running dept though. I only do 4 miles, 9 minutes + each and I'm pretty much ready to die at that point...
One thing I have in common with Bush is that the Kennebunkport area is a beautiful place to vacation, and the fishing is great.
And to respond to Lisa above...some Republicans aren't big government neocons, but according to election results and polling data for the past 5 years, you Republicans are pulling the levers next to their names.
You might not agree with all of what this fuckup of a president does or says, but your group continues to put him, and his lying jackass criminal scumbag friends in office.
So, I'm not trying to be an ass here, but frankly, you can say you disagree with some of his wiretapping, Dubai port partnering, homophobic, rich-tax cut supporting, propaganda all you want...but if you're putting him in office, I blame you specifically for this entire mess.
Hey Lisa, good to see you around. I'm not sure where I accuse of being a Bush-bot. This post doesn't accuse anyone of anything except of me being similar to Bush in some off-wall topics. If I accuse you of anything it's supporting your party, which I admire, and of which I do mine as well. Thanks for reading. And I do like the {rant}{/rant}; very creative :)
Alice, I love your reference to Cheney. I do like to workout and stay in shape. It's like one of those habits that I can't kick. Or maybe it's an addiction, cause I'm really not addicted to anything so I wouldn like to be able to say that I am addicted to at least one thing. I will change my settings immediately. Thanks for reading.
Shayna, I'm no bodybuilder. Back when I was about 20 or so, I did bodybuild. I don't have the time for it now. Plus my knees are in such bad shape that I can't do any lifting with them. Now I just like to stay in shape and make sure the beer gut doesn't take over.
businessman, you bet I had to dig hard. One time when I met President Bush he did squeeze my left arm and asked if I worked out. When I told him that I did he wanted to know my full routine. I thought that was pretty cool of him.
Hey three times a week isn't too bad at all. I only go about 3-4 as well. I don't like to linger. Thanks for reading man!
Jeremy, you both got me in the running. I can't run hardly anywhere. I usually do the bike cardio thingy. With no cartilage me knees just hurt way too much. And they hurt for days too. But you do gotta play nice man. I'm gonna leave it this thread open to allow Lisa a chance to respond, if she does that is. Thanks for reading.
Cowgirl, oh yeah beer always sounds good. This weekend I will drink plenty. To answer your question, nope. I don't think there is anything wrong with not having much good to say about Bush. The reality is is that I didn't vote for him either time so I probably won't have much good to say usually. Though I try to highlight the instances in which I do have things in common with him. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in mouth, so there isn't much him and I do share.
Have fun at the Derby this weekend. I'm expecting a post to hear all about it!!!!
I never thought that it would be possible to agree with you on anything, but thanks to this post, I've actually found some common ground. Bodybuilders ARE DEFINITELY icky when they have too many muscles. I'll tell ya what I think is worse though...FEMALE bodybuilders with too many muscles. EWWW.
It's just the way you decided to phrase that, suggesting that only neo-cons supported the President. I'm sort of sensitive to that description, if you hadn't guessed that already. :)
My apologies in advance for taking this thread slightly off track, but I feel obligated to defend myself here.
You're determined to pick a fight with me, aren't you? I think you are giving me way too much credit here. I voted for Bush. That's one vote. Plenty of other people did too. Are you saying that they are all mindless followers of talk radio or RNC talking points? Surely you can give the average American more credit that that. So you can be mad at Bush all you want to, and rage against the "Republican machine" that keeps electing people like George W. Bush as much as you like...
But what exactly does that say about the Democrats that they can't find a way to beat the guy they see as so dangerously incompetent? Karl Rove couldn't do a better job than the current group of Democrats are doing to ensure that Republicans continue to win.
It's not our fault that the head of your party is Howard Dean. We had nothing to do with nominating John Kerry or Al Gore. You can't blame Karl Rove for anything stupid your party leadership says. (That is, unless you want to engage in wild speculations and conspiracy theories, which I'm sure you are smart enough not to entertain...)
So don't blame the VRWC if Republicans keep winning. Due to the unpopularity for the President and Republicans, if the Democratic leadership can't re-gain control of Congress, it will have more to do with Democratic failure than a Republican machine.
And I concur Lisa :)
To Everyone: Sorry for the horrible typos earlier in my replies. I was typing at work and trying to hurry through everything.
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