This has to be one of the stupidist things I've seen from Republicans:
Senators Push for $100 Gas Rebate Checks
This so-called rebate is only a guise to sneak in the coveted Republican item that would open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska to oil exploration.
Besides, $100 would only give most people two tanks of gas. That's a temporary solution to a gigantic problem. It get's us through till next Monday and does nothing in planning for the future.
It also still allows for Dick Cheney and George Bush to profit millions of dollars a year from oil sales. In fact the rebate encourages us to spend more on gas so that more profit will go to Big Oil, big Dick Cheney and Bush. It's retarded and immoral.
To top it all off, this rebate/welfare/handout might be the most Marxist notion that any government could propose. The end result will only be a greater dependency upon the government's crutch in complete contrast to what Bush expects from "an ownership society." I shouldn't be so surprised. It all goes hand in hand with my Republican Welfare System post from a few months ago.
Republicans will do whatever it takes to increase our dependency on big government and socialism.
Bush, Cheney, Sex, Gas Prices, Incompetent Republicans, Stuck With Bush
UPDATE: Stay tuned for my 7 Questions With Shayna!
Posted by Chris at 6:09 PM
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Thank You.
Hundred Dollars..............they think so little of their constituancy yes?
They not only disregard them by virtue of most policy they obviously think they are stupid.
LOL at the Sex tag, bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From the SIDE, and we don't even get a frigging KISS ;-)
Blog ON, bro...
Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) first mentioned the $100 rebate on CNBC's Kudlow & Company on Wednesday. I laughed when I heard it. Thursday, John Thune was advocating the same exact thing.
My party had better start leading on energy. Repeal the gas tax, I say. And start drilling already. Drill ANWR. Drill offshore.
However, Democrats have no room to criticize anybody about America's lacking energy policy, since it is entirely because of them and the Left wing environmental cabal that we find ourselves in this pickle.
Alice, yep. Hundred bucks wouldn't do me much good. I think I would mail mine back to Bush and tell him to stick it. I would much prefer the huge tax breaks Big Oil receives rather than the meager $100.
GTL, I was wondering if anyone would pick up on that. Can't blame me for trying to increase my daily hits can ya? Thanks for reading big guy.
Cowgirl, you want my long answer or my short one :)
I'll give the short one, and thanks for asking. I'll be very surprised if the General Assembly suspends the gas tax. It is an election year, so maybe they will. If they do, it's retarded. Sorry but I've been using that word a lot lately :)
The state would lose around $1 billion in income if the tax is suspended. As you know, Illinois is already broke. If they suspend the gas tax, they will raise some other tax to make up for the loss. It does nothing to solve the high inflated gas prices Big Oil lays on us. What should happen is the truck drivers should park their big rigs in front of the White House and demand action. Until that happens, we'll be paying $3/gallon or more forever. Thanks for reading Cowgirl.
Kent, Jackson wasn't the first to mention it. It was first proposed by the Republican leadership in the senate, Bill Frist. Maybe Jackson repeated it on TV, but it's not her idea. I do agree with you about the drilling, however.
Since you blame everything on Democrats, I'm very interested in hearing what Reagan's energy policy was, or King George I's energy policy. What did they do that planned for the future to help alleviate our foreign supply of energy?
Good to see you around. I'll be visiting.
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