I'm back from my Cardinal game. It was a great night to be in St. Louis. The weather actually cooperated and the Cards won 9-3. Plus I got to see Pujols hit a homer in person. I've been going to Cardinals games since I was a kid and this had to be one of the funnest I've been to. The new stadium is nice. It didn't feel like home to me, but I'll give it time. I can't wait to go back.
For my political notes I will surprise most people by saying that I am not a frequent watcher of political television programs; I'll take Seinfeld any day. I can't remember the last time I watched Meet the Press or This Week With George Stepanopolis, or 60 Minutes, Primetime Live, etc. If I do watch anything it's Washington Week on PBS. But even that is rare and maybe only once every other month.
I think avoiding such television programs had a lot to do with me working in politics and the last thing I wanted to do when I got home was something to do with my work. But now that I'm not fully engulfed with politics I sat down and watched 60 Minutes tonight. It felt nice not to have a clue as to what was going on.
For those who didn't watch 60 Minutes, and I totally understand if you didn't, it is worth a click on the link here to learn a little about a very interesting piece on the WMD in Iraq and how the Bush administration ignored key evidence from the CIA suggesting Iraq did not have the stockpiles the war hawks insisted (many still do) existed. Very briefly I will say that after no weapons were found, Bush blamed it on bad intelligence, but Tyler Drumheller — a 26-year veteran of the CIA points the finger back at Bush. This should make us all wonder why no investigation has been setup to discover what went wrong in Iraq.
Josh Marshal talks about the Drumheller story here.
Finally, stay tuned this week to read my first Political Notio interview with Shayna!
Slow For the Weekend
Posted by Chris at 9:54 PM
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We all know how CBS News operates...they are entirely fair and transparent, they do copious amounts of research, they retain the highest quality experts of verification, and they have absolutely no political axe to grind with the Bush Administration, whatsoever.
This conversation isn't complete without mentioning that, along with Bush, every other world leader believed that Hussein had WMD. Even the brain dead Kofi Annan and his corrupt minions at the UN believed there were weapons. This futile attempt to play Monday Morning QB is nothing more than an exercise in political policy masturbation.
Bottom line, Hussein is gone, Iraq has a new government elected by fair and free elections, and the broader Middle East is better off because of George W. Bush, that "idiot" from Texas.
And the Democrats, left holding another bag of empty accusations yet again, are just pissed that Bill Clinton didn't have the balls to do what Bush has done.
Can't wait for the interview.
I didn't see the show but reading the information provided here it is clearer and clearer that things are not really muddy at all. A very clear picture of no threat was there and so a threat was made.
I was listening to an intersting piece on NPR the other day in regard to the CIA and the inteeligence they offered up at the time and what they knew was happening with it as it was convoluted.
Kent, I didn't think you would trust anything that disagreed with the neocon ideology. Besides Fox News, is there any other news source credible?
Bottom line, Saddam is gone, he didn't have the WMD Bush said he had, Iraq does not have a new government the prime minister doesn't even have a cabinet yet, over 2,000 American marines and soldiers are dead, gas is $3/gallon, Bush has run up the largest debt in the history of America, and what do you define "better off" if there are over 100 Iraqis dying every day because of the ill-planned Bush invasion.
Bill Clinton was more competent to invade a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 and a country that did not have WMD. In fact, George Bush invading Iraq makes Bill Clinton look like a genius and only guarantees the historical analysis that Clinton will forever be remembered as a better, more effective president than Bush ever will be.
Thanks for reading :) You always make it fun.
cowgirl, Happy Birthday!!!
businessman, it does become clearer with every day's passing. I must admit I was duped into believing Bush. I now realize that I was wrong and so is Bush.
I'm glad I entertain you, Big Guy.
Regarding media sources, it depends how much Liberal bias one must navigate through in order to get to the facts. I take CNN, MSNBC, Fox, the big broadcast networks and the big city dailies at face value. All of these outlets have various biases. But CBS News has turned itself into a big joke and I think you do yourself a big disservice by watching and/or citing them as a legitimate news source.
I just choked on my lunch. Bill Clinton 'will forever be remembered as a better, more effective president than Bush ever will be,' is the most ridiculous thing you've ever written.
Since we're friends, I'm sure we'll be debating this subject for years to come.
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