
A few things to point out. One is the name change. That's right, MJ is gone. My name is Chris and it's nice to meet y'all.

Second is that it's officially baseball season. Prior to today I never posted about sports. Well, that's gonna change too. I'm a St. Louis Cardinals fan, but I do enjoy baseball in general. This year the Cardinals have a brand new stadium and I can't wait to get to a game. These last few years working with the senate I usually spent my summers traveling for work or managing campaigns. I never had time to do much, especially anything that could be considered personal-- or fun. I haven't been on vacation in three years. It will be tough for this year is a campaign year too, but I'm sitting this one out and I'm going to use this summer to travel for enjoyment, watch my Cardinals and play golf.

I'm not leaving politics completely behind, however. I will still contract out consulting work for both the senate and the house, but it will only be part-time and at my choosing.

The Cardinals started the season off completely opposite of where they stopped last year, with hot bats. They won 13-5 over the Pirates. Pujols smacked two homers and Rolen a grandslam. It's good to be back!

Not to leave everyone disappointed politically, I want to point out an article in The New Yorker by Steve Coll about the Pentagon's own classified history of the invasion of Iraq (found via Josh Marshall). The piece is from Pentagon documents written by Bush administration officials during the run up to the invasion, the middle of the invasion and the last 37 months. It's a startling reality check from the Bush government's own admissions as to why we are in Iraq, how we got there and what went wrong. It's worth a read and it doesn't read well at all for Bush & Co.

I want to get back to the Coll piece in the next couple days after I get a chance to read through it a little more and others get to as well. I have a feeling the Pentagon, and ultimately Bush, may make their own beds.


Day by Day said...

Don't you mean "dig their own graves"? LOL!

I noticed the name change the other day... but was just waiting for you to say something! ;) It's going to be hard to get use to Chris... well the name change.... :)

I'll have to read The New Yorker Article...

I'm glad you are taking time to get away for yourself... you deserve it... hope you know that!!! :)

Come to my party
It's my Birthday... wouldn't be a Birthday without you!  Help celebrate my
last year as a 20-something!!!!

Jacob said...

I'll come here for both.

I'd miss the political commentary if it were to disappear but mixing it up seems to be the thing to do.

The Orioles won so I'm content and I had no vested interest in the Basketball game so I guess it was nice to see a team that has been void oc championships win.

Good to have you back.

I hope to blog more soon too.

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

Hey Chris. :)

Cooper said...


all except the baseball part. ;)

Kent said...

I loved the first part of this post. The baseball, the contract work, the Cards. Great stuff.

The New Yorker piece reminded me of DNC talking points -- and a boring Manhattan dinner party packed with a roomful of self important Liberals, each attempting to outdo each other with their own inanity.

Meanwhile, great economics news released today. Five million new jobs since the tax cuts. Wow. But Bush is an idiot and had absolutely nothing to do with it, right Chris?

Kent said...

Eleven million Iraqi's have voted since '03. But that doesn't matter, right Chris?