
Bad News For Dems

Scott McClellan leaving is no big deal. He should have left about two years ago. Bush's first press secretary, Ari Fleischer, was probably one of the best press secretary's around. McClellan didn't even compare. McClellan had a hard job made worse by not being qualified for the position, and made even harder by being the spokesperson for a secret elitist society.

Rove stepping down is a huge deal, however.

Rove's departure spells trouble for the Democrats. Notice that Rove was not fired, but left so that he can concentrate on the midterm elections. The last place I want Karl Rove is having all the time in the world to focus on campaigns and issues. Who are the Dems going to place on full-time campaign staff? Howard Dean? We can't compete. Since losing Dick Morris the Dems are stranded. I can't believe in the ten years since Morris switching teams the Dems haven't found anyone to match his wit.

This isn't an administrative shakeup, this is a political equivalent of war. If Rove is set free to organize the Republican Party, we won't beat him. The only silver lining that could come from this would be if Rove was really stepping down because he's about to be indicted.

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Jacob said...

My fear would be that the dems will not consider this something to worry about and instead spend all their energy on gloating.

That,of course, unless he stepped down due to pending indictments.

Cooper said...

I'm with jacob on this and by that also with your original thought. Need to watch this closely.

Yeah for your tickets.

Lisa said...

Poor David Gregory. He won't have that dog to kick anymore. It was time for Scott to go. I would love to hear a Tony Snow presser. That would be fun.Good move by the source of evil to focus more on strategy than policy.

Day by Day said...

I totally agree with Jacob... Dems seem to be gloating here lately... and NOoooo please no Howard Dean!!!

Kent said...

That silver lining crap is absurd given that Joe Wilson outed his own wife. Rove's not going to be indicted. Fitzgerald has even been backtracking lately on the entire Libby affair.

I say the Democrats put that stud Bob Shrum in charge of their mid-term push. He's got quite the record as a strategist.

Chris said...

cowgirl, thanks for visiting. Let's hope the twisters are done for a while.

businessman, the Dems better get their head on straight and soon. If Rove is indicted, it changes everything. Thanks for reading.

alice, damn I owe you so many visits. I'll go right now...

Lisa, being the policy hack that I am I will still agree with you. It seems Dems are always focused on policy and the Repubs on winning. And of course you can't have the policy without the winning. But I can say that I have not seen policy from this administration in the last three years that is decent, or successful for that matter. Thanks for reading.

Shayna, I so wish Dean would go. And I wish Michael Moore would shut up. And I wish the Dems could agree on something for 6 months. Six months of agreement by the Dems would implode the Bush administration. We could worry about our disagreements after that :)

Kent, good to see you around. It was fun drinking beer with ya. I'm not sure the Rove indictment is absurd. You could be surprised soon. But if he is indicted, I'm sure you will say it's politically motivated and that the liberal media is responsible. Good to have ya back.