
Cheney...and the gang

Over the weekend VP big Dick Cheney joined VP Aaron Burr as being only the second vice president to shoot someone while in office. For a refresher on the Burr/Hamilton duel it is important to note that Burr fatally wounded Alexander Hamilton a sworn foe and not a hunting buddy. Nonetheless, little Dick Cheney isn’t a straight shooter.

Now whatever one might think about the weekend hunting accident and whether they believe that this is or isn’t news, does not really matter when a free and independent press is operating. When the Vice President of the United States accidentally or purposely shoots someone in the face it’s news people. But, there are much more important things happening right now in this country than this incident. I wonder what would have happened during the run up to the Iraq war if the press demanded upfront and forthright answers from the White House like it did today while trying to bully Scotty for trying to dodge answers to their questions concerning Cheney and his reckless discharge. After all, Bush and Cheney both jumped the gun on Iraq as well. Funny what priorities we all have.

I’m not the biggest hunter in the world. Growing up I used to deer hunt and turkey hunt. Since college, some ten years ago, I haven’t been deer or turkey hunting one time. Instead I prefer bird or quail hunting, but I still don’t get to go as often as I would like. I do know while quail hunting a person or group must be extra careful because there are usually other groups in the area and sometimes it’s very difficult to quickly locate everyone before shots are fired. Lots of communication must take place. And an assessment of one’s surroundings is key, especially when using a shotgun. Even with that said I’m sure little Dick did not prematurely shoot someone in the face on purpose. Nor do I think it’s fair to assume that this hunting accident is an anecdote to all the miscommunication and bad decisions that this administration has made these last five years. Not that I don’t see the semblances, I just don’t think it even slightly details the total incoherency of the Bush administration at all. Maybe because it lacks so many main characters, either way it was an unfortunate accident and the White House should disclose all information and Cheney needs to speak to the Sheriff so that a police report can be drawn up, if for insurance purposes if anything else. Why do they have to be so top secret with everything?

Maybe, though, this episode does give us insight as to how Dick Cheney received five deferments from military service during time of war. He obviously isn’t worth a damn with a weapon. Maybe it’s a good thing he was a draft dodger like the rest of the administration. Or better yet, maybe instead of receiving five deferments to avoid military service for his country Cheney should have taken them up on the offer and at least then the military would have taught him how to use a weapon properly.

I’m sure we will hear much more about this one, unfortunately.

As a bonus addition I’m going to add some names of other top Republicans and/or supporters who have never served in the military or much less a war, but yet can’t seem to quit advocating invasion:

--Ronald Reagan- 40th President of the United States. Did not serve. Instead made movies in Hollywood about fighting in wars. Not all that different than his presidency actually.

--George W. Bush- 43rd President of the United States. Alright we’ll say he served, but nobody can figure out how a six year commitment in the Texas Air National Guard turned into four. And yet, never reported for duty while stationed in Alabama, where he lost his pilots license for refusing to take a scheduled physical. Who gets out of the military during time of war to attend grad school???

--Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist. Did not serve. Currently being investigated for insider trading.

--Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert. Did not serve.

--Indicted Congressman Tom DeLay. Did not serve.

--Majority Whip Roy Blunt. Did not serve.

--Senate Majority Whip Mitch McConnell. Did not serve.

--Mr. Intelligent Design, Rick Santorum, third ranking member of the senate. Did not serve.

--Former Majority Leader Trent Lott. Did not serve.

--Presidential advisor and deputy chief of staff, Karl Rove. Did not serve.

--Architect of Iraq war, Paul Wolfowitz. Did not serve.

--Loudmouth and drug addicted Republican talking points pundit, Rush Limbaugh. Did not serve, numerous deferments.

--Loudmouth and intellectually lacking TV and radio host, Bill O’Reilly. Did not serve.

--Total idiot Michael Savage. Did not serve.

Don’t worry, there’s more. Kudos to Rage Against the Right and awolbush.com

For a list of current members of Congress who have served go here.

Given the seriousness of the situation, considering the heart attack and all, I do apologize for previously poking fun at Cheney in the above post. Also, considering the White House's apparent cover up of the incident, I do feel that the White House, and thus the Bush administration, is being less than truthful with the facts. Even being the half-way hunter that I am, I do know that there is no such thing as a minor hunting accident. All safety while hunting is serious business. The shot to the hunter might have been accidental, but the cover up and the mum response from the White House is entirely intentional. There's no excuse for that.


The GTL™ said...

MJ, good post. I think that since nobody was harmed too gravely, people are pretty much looking at the incident itself in a humorous light, which is probably a good way to look at it.

What I have a problem with is the doublespeak from Scott McClellan about whom was going to say something about it and when. This Administration has always had a disdain for the press and this clearly demonstrates it to the N'th degree. Make you wonder what other things they might not feel should be brought forth to the press. Hmm. There's a thought.

Cooper said...

I thought it wa funny, he is an asshole but the incident ws funny. I didn't give it much play..

Are you back mj?

Anonymous said...

It probably wasn't funny for the victim, though anyone who saw The Daily Show was in for a real treat. Glad to see you back.

Chris said...

GTL, it did appear humorous until today at least. I think in my main post I was poking some fun at the situation as well. But now after hearing the news that the victim has up to two hundred buck shot pellets in him and has since suffered a heart attack, I think this cover up by the White House is anything but comical. What a sudden turn in events. I think you and I both know that any hunting accident is serious, no matter how little or small it might appear to be. Thanks for reading big guy.

Alice, not sure if I'm back or not. I think what I will do is if I feel the urge to post something then I'll probably do it. But it seems that I change by the minute on whether I want to keep going or not. Plus, I was supposed to work out a deal with my job that would allow me to have my own personal blog so that I could actually have my name on this thing. So far, that hasn't happened yet. I hate dealing with stress :) Thanks for reading.

Heretic, I need to start watching the daily show. I figured Stewart would bring this one home. Though with the heart attack and the seriousness of the situation, I think he'll have more respect for it now. Thanks for reading and good to see you around.

Cooper said...

On looking at what appeaers to have happened now, the heart attack etc. It appears the whole world has to apologize. In truth it is they the white house that made light of it by covering up the seriousness of it allowing thw world to make fun of it.

Well I'll check back periodically to see waht you are doing. I know myself somedays I just don't have time for it but it sucks me in somehow and I get up off the bed in the middle of the night and write.