
Traveling and Emails

Since I’m going to be traveling all week between Washington, Chicago and Nashville, and I’m hoping for a shot down to Texas this week but could hold off till next week, I might not have a lot of time for the site. I will do what I can. In the meantime I have wanted to post some of the emails I get and this seems like a good opportunity.

A vast majority of the correspondence I get from this site is positive. I do occasionally get the severe right wing hate mail- I’m assuming they’re right wingers, heck if I know.

This selection of an email was actually the very first email to the site. I started an account and within about 35 minutes someone sent this in:

“this is the stupidest site I’ve seen. A machine for liberals. All you do is repeat what the other America haters bring up all the time. You just redigest the same American hating commie ideologie over and over. When will you people quit? You won’t because you hate America. Love it or leave it pink commie.”

I’m not going to take the time to edit these, so make out what you can.

The next selection is from the third email ever received:

“this afternoon I spent a good amount of time reading your site. I will admit that I think you are a real threat to this country. Why do you think Bush is so bad? Why will you not accept the fact that all the negative accusations about him are false? Are you just mad that you didn’t get to give Clinton his bj? I’m sure he would receive one from a male to. You probably aren’t even a man…You present good reason why their should be limitations on free speech.”

I didn’t realize I was so volatile. Limitations on free speech? Isn’t that an oxymoron? The next one is rather good:

“I have to tell you that you are sick. This war is a good war and justifiable. Bush should send people like you off to die instead of our good soldiers. Husein did have the weapons that Bush said he had. They escaped the country and are in Syria and Iran right now. Stupid people will not accept that fact, we should send the liberals there. I think it’s an insult that our boys are dying so people like you can have rights…I was in Viet Nam and we won that war but the liberals won’t let this country realize it. Canada is looking for wimps like you.”

Just for the record, I’m not a liberal and I do support the Iraq war. I have since the beginning. I believed everything George Bush, Rumsfeld, Powell and Cheney told me. I still support this war, but I don’t support the politics that have impeded it. And I don’t mean the politics of dissent against the war; I mean the politics that led Bush to invade and still drives his policies today in refusing to admit that what we have in Iraq is nothing like what we were promised.

I’m going to add one more and then I have to go get my hands on some White Sox tickets.

“When will the fiberals learn? All you liberals do is tell fibs, so that’s why I call you fiberals. If you knew anything about politics you would learn real fast that liberal ideas don’t work. The republican party is built on the sound principals that liberals are the enemy and that this country should do everything in their powers to kill them. Republican party was built with the principals that has led this country every one its most harshest times and through its major wars. The only thing I blame the republicans on is that they have not come up with a final solution to the fiberal problem. We have, it’s not been activated yet. Once it is you will be one of the first to meet your maker. Your liberal pansy ass doesn’t have any guns to protect yourself with, good luck. I’m sending a link of your site to the department of homeland security as a case for treason pending investigation. Also I’m alerting the NRA to your pansy ass for taking our guns away.”

That email actually continues on forever. The guy talks about tracing my IP and stuff. His name came across as Body Counter in the email. Sounds like a nice guy. I don’t think I have any need to discredit the people who write those sorts of things. But just because it is my site, I will add that Lincoln, the biggest liberal ever elected to the presidency, built the Republican Party. And again, the liberal Lincoln led us through the Civil War and the liberal FDR led us through WWII- our two harshest times and two most major wars. Plus, I’m a member of the NRA and own guns and have plenty of ammo at home.

Hope you all enjoyed. I’ll get back to my usual political self later this week I’m sure.


Handsome B. Wonderful said...

Don't forget Harry Truman. Big Democrat who made the decision to drom the big one on Japan and end WWII.

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

Oops, "drop" not "drom" :)

Kent said...

He's wrong. 'OK Liberal' is the evil one.

DBK said...

Don't forget that liberal Democrat pansy-ass college professor Woodrow Wilson, the fellow who took us into World War I.

Or that other liberal pansy-ass John Kennedy, who served in World War II in combat, who got us into Viet Nam, who was followed by that other liberal pansy-ass, Lyndon Johnson, the Texan who escalated US involvement in Viet Nam. And then there was Truman, the liberal pansy-ass who made Captain, I think it was, serving in World War I, dropped, as someone else pointed out, the big one in WWII, and who started battling hard against Stalin and Communism, presenting the world with brinksmanship and the sharply drawn battle between capitalism and communism.

Ah, whaddaya gonna do. Those folks are just ignorant. By the way, I am a liberal. Next trip to Virginia I'm gonna get a bun, though. Also going to join the NRA soon. Need to proetct my gun rights.

Cooper said...

Ha ha,at least you don't get emails calling you a whore....oh sorry that is exactly what they are calling you only in a different way.

Like wow we won Vietnam? Where have I been?

I hope you answered them by telling them that you gave Clinton several blowjobs and they paid for your commie education,,,, Naw you wouldn’t do that you’re too serious.

Keep your liberal machine well oiled MJ.

Have fun and sing Nashville Cats real loud.

I'm being made to watch a Yankee game right now and it ain’t a pretty sight.

Glad you warned me about the gun and the ammunition cuz I am a fiberal- fun loving- gun hater. ;)

Why are you going to Tennessee mj, to make sure Gore doesn’t lose it next time?

Peace out my friend.

Jacob said...

Quite funny.
You're doing something right when you inspire such ire.

I always enjoy the posts and the commentary you graciously allow.

Have a nice trip, or trips as the case may be.

Chris said...

James, good eye. Truman indeed waged some pretty good war.

Kent, thanks for reading.

frogsdong, yes Wilson, very good eye. He was quite the liberal/progressive who often gets overlooked in this messed up neocon world. I think Truman and Bush have a lot in common. I hope you are going to Virgina to get a gun and not a bun though. But maybe you are getting a bun. Hey, whatever floats your boat :)

I don't consider myself a liberal in the context that Rush Limbaugh or the neocons use the word liberal. I long for the day when American politics can return to accurate definitions of words. I have liberal views and I have conservative views. Most of the time the term liberal is misused and I refuse to abide by such labels. I think I'm pretty moderate in most my views, but I am a Democrat. Thanks for reading.

Graham, my travels are work related, so it most likely won't be a lot of fun, but then again it doesn't take much to amuse me. Usually I don't get to spend a lot of time sight seeing and it usually sucks to travel cross-country for a three hour meeting only to hop right back on a plane and return. I'm not sure I'm doing all that much right, but I sure can draw out some wacko's. Thanks for reading.

Alice, you are correct, I haven't responded to any of the wacko emails that I get. I figure it's better to let them think how they will. I know I won't change their minds any. I'm a country boy, so I'm sure I'll be doing some singing in Nashville. I do feel sorry for anyone watching a Yankee game. And I can also understand why people who live in big cities are against guns. In Nashville I will be meeting with some senate people and hopefully getting the official word from Harold Ford. Though I would take up the offer from Al Gore if he offered. Now go study and make us proud :)

Chris said...

businessman, thanks for the kind words. You have been loyal indeed.

girl, thanks too for the compliments. My travels will be for work, so I doubt I have any fun. I am looking forward to TN because I haven't been there in a while. Plus I should be seeing Ford and how his planning is coming along. Frist isn't on the agenda, and I'm sure he wouldn't want to hear what I have to say. A "yes man" I am not. The neocons don't get along too well with people who have their own opinions. Maybe next time around Gore will win his home state and we can have our second prez from TN.

Thanks to both for reading.

CaliValleyGirl said...

MJ, please forgive me, this was one post I didn't read completely. I just read a few lines from each email, but I don't have time for idiots.

Man...can't believe you get such hate mail. Reminds me of something that Billy Joel said: you know you are successful when you get your first lawsuit...I guess, you could say, you know you are successful when you get your first hate-mail.

And lastly...sorry for me to disagree here, but Wilson was a pansy. Just because he entered into WWI, doesn't mean he wasn't a pansy...that guy waited until the last possible moment. Plus he was such a pansy when it came to dealing with Mexico and Mexican bandits coming into the US during the Mexican Revolution.

JFK wasn't a liberal pansy, neither was FDR. And Johnson? Oh, my goodness...him neither.

But then we got Carter.

M said...

All this time I had you pegged as a moderate guy, MJ, and now I find out you're a left-wing-pinko-sissy-Commie-fascist "fiberal"... How could I have been so wrong???

Chris said...

CVG, I'll forgive you just this once :) I'm not sure I agree that Wilson was a pansy, mainly because I'm not sure I know exactly what pansy even means, but he did lead us through a major war; and like Bush he did trample all over the Constitution in the process. If people today think Bush has violated Constitutional rights in the name of war, a quick peak at Wilson makes Bush look moderate.

I do agree that Carter is a pansy...he's always looking for the good in every little thing. But to his credit, Carter was a fighter pilot and a Naval officer, along with a graduate of the Naval Academy. Now Reagan, there's a pansy for ya :)

My hate mail is actually small compared to my usual comments and questions But hey I can't please them all, and I'm not sure I want to.

Thanks for reading. You always make this place so much more interesting.

Mike, I used to be a moderate then Bush came along. Even the moderates look liberal with Bush in charge. Thanks for commenting.

DBK said...

Okay, that was a typo. I meant "gub".

Heh heh. Anyone else remember the scene in "Take the Money and Run" where Woody Allen tries to rob a bank but the teller can't decipher his stickup note? Very funny bit.

Yes, the US won the war in Vietnam. Actually, Japan has proven how successful you can be without a war. They tried to take Hawaii in WWII by force and failed, but now they are buying it up and are doing much better.

Anyway, yes, I'm going to get a gun and I like my second amendment rights (including the right to not edit my comments sections very well, which I could swear is in the second amendment). My father has always liked guns and passed his interest on to me. It's funny how the wingnuts love to stereotype people.

The other thing I wanted to say is that, for some reason, I don't get wingnut scorn arising from my blog. I did once have someone send me a brief email despairing of the condition of my soul because, prior to the Republican Convention in '04, I said something in a comments section about how the GOP was going to "drag Reagan's decomposing corpse out on a gurney and wheel it around the stage to rally the base", but that's it. I never get hate email or mail or even much in the way of nasty comments in the threads, and I have said some pretty strong things about BushCo.

I feel so left out.

Unknown said...

Wow, those were probably some of the most rediculous things I've ever read. Occasionally I get some doosey's too but rarely do I ever get long nonsensical diatribes. Bravo.