
And the Second Nominee Is...

I finally got my female, but we didn’t necessarily get a judge.

Bush dubs White House counsel Harriet Miers as the next nominee for Supreme Court. Among some of her qualifications are her law degree and her expertise of never having been a judge before.

Not having any legal opinions may not be such a bad thing...CLICK CONTINUE READING! Plus I think it’s fair to assume that Miers is way more of a politician than a judge. Well, she’s not even a judge, so that does make sense. Without legal opinions the public will not have the same tedious work of learning how she might rule on a certain issue. And when Democrats holdup the nomination process waiting for the White House to turnover papers, it’s very possible that there may not be any papers.

At the same time, it also does pose some very interesting problems. Since Miers does not have the so-called “paper trail” from which to ascertain her legal mind, the only other way to learn her philosophy is to ask questions, and we all know how keen Republicans are to being asked questions. This should be fun.

Some Senate Republicans have already stated that they want to have Miers confirmed by Thanksgiving. As solid of a nominee that Bush supposes he has picked, this may be the best argument yet for a very meticulous and broad hearing in the Senate, which will last way past November. Being confirmed in the Senate will depend much upon how well Republicans and the nominee herself cooperates with those who want to know more about the president’s selection.

And just one more time I will add that even though I argue that Bush is president and deserves his picks and that if the Dems would win an election then they could put people where they want them, I also just as evenly argue that the confirmation of the presidents choice rests solely within the senate. Not only should the president pick who he wants, he should pick someone that the senate will agree upon. This crybaby up or down vote stuff is for the birds.



Sminklemeyer said...

my friend, i am not sure what i think of this nomination. for one, it bothers me that she was his personal attorny and has no experience behind the bench. in my opinion, this is an under-qualified nominee because of the gender.