
Neocon Nonsense

“By the way, just wanted to tell you people, we missed -- the International Olympic Committee missed a golden opportunity today. If they had picked France, if they had picked France instead of London to hold the Olympics, it would have been the one time we could look forward to where we didn't worry about terrorism. They'd blow up Paris, and who cares?” July 6, 2005, the day before the terrorist attacks on London- John Gibson, Fox News host.

“I mean, my first thought when I heard -- just on a personal basis, when I heard there had been this attack and I saw the futures this morning, which were really in the tank, I thought, ‘Hmmm, time to buy.’" July 7, 2005, while covering the terrorist attacks on London for Fox News- Brit Hume, Fox News Washington managing editor.

“I think that [the terrorist attacks] works to our advantage, in the Western world's advantage, for people to experience something like this together, just 500 miles from where the attacks have happened.” July 7, 2005, while covering the terrorist attacks on London for Fox News- Brian Kilmeade, Fox News host.

"That's why we take it [WMD] out of the hands of Saddam when he won't abide by the world community. That's the wisdom in why Bush went to Iraq." July 8, 2005, while talking to Gen. Wesley Clark and commenting about the terrorist attacks on London and linking the attacks to Iraq and Saddam - Sean Hannity, Fox News host.

I know by posting these quotes, and I’m sure there are many more, I’m opening myself up to criticisms of the so-called liberal media. That’s fine, because I don’t watch or listen to that side either. To be very honest, I probably watch neocon hate-media way more than I watch CNN or ABC or CBS, or whatever else neocons consider being liberal media. That’s to say that I don’t spend much time dealing with talking heads.

I’ve been saying that half the reason Iraq is in its current condition is because of the media, and the other half is because of Bush. Well, half the reason the media is in its current condition is because of Fox News, and the other half is because the other outlets try to emulate it.

Fox News is the American Al Jazeera. How is something like this stopped, or does it only get worse?


Sminklemeyer said...

It gets worse, my friend, because they attract those who want to watch them. Their ratings are high, and have become the staple for conservative journalism. Let's put it this way, i was interviwed by a Fox News Reporter in Iraq and he tried to tell me what to say. It was on Thanksgiving and we did a rehearsal of the interview. I think his name was David McGruder or something like it. Anyway, he posed the question -- "how do you feel about being away from home on Thanksgiving?" and he encouraged me to say something like this... "I know my family is proud of me, and I am proud of my actions. blah. blah." Of course, that's what I would have said anyway, but that's leading a source and not very professional on his part. This doesn't mean all FOX reporters are like this. With that being said, I like FOX News and CNN. I watch both, just to see the differences in reporting, and I think CNN has done a much better job than FOX. The one thing I've noticed between the two, and this will surprise you, is that FOX tends to give opinions on objective pieces while CNN gives just the facts. However, CNN emphasizes words much more.

Cooper said...
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Cooper said...

They are all clearly despicable but I do watch them late at night in a breeze through fashion; I hate to admit it but I do. I have yet to watch a show here in which the host does not cut off the guest in mid sentence or in which the bottom line is clearly stated by the anchor at the very start. I am not sure why people watch shows where there is no real discussion, just a faux discussion edited to their real agenda; I am not sure why I watch them either knowing this. I do not thing CNN is much different in this regard; however I find that they are more likely to present an opposing view with research, but without emphasis.
“Fox News is the American Al Jazeera. How is something like this stopped, or does it only get worse?”
I'm not totally convinced that Fox news is the American Al Jazeera until I take into account the people that watch it, refer to it religiously and believe every fucking word of it; then of course I see the similarities and it is frightening.
How we stop it?
I can only hope that over time when America, all of America, realizes there was no clear and present danger in Iraq and that the duping was planned out from the moment of nine eleven and that they will wake up and smell the bull shit. If people watch it we will not stop it.

Household6 said...

I have only seen one positive thing about FOX news. One commentator made a comment about the Marine who killed a man in Iraq and the journalist sold the video to the highest bidder. This is the one where the Marine had just watched his friend die the day before from a man "faking" injury and when they tried to render aid he let go of the grenade. Well, his remark was instead of trying to make a dollar he would have turned the footage into the military and let them investigate.

Other than that I really do think you could point out the bias on almost any news program, some are just worse than others.

Unfortunately, it's not looked upon all that friendly over here. The BBC has had quite a few comments about the poor taste the American's are showing towards the English in their time of need. You can thank FOX news for that since that's exactly what the BBC is quoting.

Unknown said...

Wow, this is atrocious. I missed most of the coverage because I worked and was away most of the weekend. I may have to re-evaluate my decision to watch Fox for it's entertainment value.

Here's another good one--I'm listening to the Radio Factor with Bill O'Reilly and during his No Spin News section, on Karl Rove he says, "Rove may have outed some one named Plame...don't care."

All of a sudden O'Reilly doesn't care if Rove committed a federal offense?

k said...

Those are horrible!
I cannot believe that people would actually not think before saying stuff like that.
If the same was said in the UK about the US, there would be war.
That is discusting.
I also cannot believe that other media outlets would try to emulate Foxnews. It's a terrible station and is so one-sided.
The news should be left to those who actually know how to report it.

Chris said...

Sminky, I agree. Though I do think Fox's ratings are down, way down actually. I think your analysis of the media is very genuine. If I do anything, I read newspapers. About 15 a day. I really don't watch that much TV in general. And if I listen to the radio, it's music and not talking loud mouths. I would actually like Fox News if they would quit pushing their agenda down everyone's throat.

Joseph, I think you got fired up on this one. Now tell me again how you really feel about Fox News :)

Alice, I hate to admit it as well, but when I'm at the gym I do sometimes watch a few minutes of Fox. It usually just gets me fired up to workout harder. Fox News is the American Al Jazeera because they both promote a certain agenda. Fox promotes the American conservative represenatation while Al Jazeera promotes the Arab view, which is a conservative view. They are very similar in that regard. And both have no concern for facts, only opinions. Oh wait, you used a French word- faux- sorry but I'm in the process of banning French words because of my astute patriotism and because I saw on Fox News where France is actually responsible for all the chaos today.

HH6, why does Fox always have to drive a wedge between everything, especially during a time when our greatest ally has been attacked? I agree that most of all media is no better than Fox. This is such a sad time I think. I hope it all changes soon. I always love to hear the European view of America. Thanks for commenting.

Mark, yeah it's no big deal and O'Reilly doesn't care because it contradicts the agenda that he wants to push down everyone's throat. So instead of giving it the attention it deserves, O'Reilly and Fox will do whatever they can to turn the attention to something else. And I'm sure they will turn up their bashing of liberals in order to provide some smoke cover of how the presidents men are aiding terrorists. It's not a judgment call when Fox decides to do something like this, it's a crime against this country. Rove and the president's days are numbered. The public is very tired of this crap. Thanks for reading Mark.

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

John Gibson is the worst. He is a psycho.