
Five Things I Just Don't Get

Household6 tagged me a couple weeks ago and I'm just now getting around to doing it, so thank you for the patience Household6. I'm sure I could come up with more than five, but this should suffice...

1. Cub fans. I will never understand Cub fans ever. These guys win maybe 3 games in a row and their fans carry on like they have won the World Series or something. I think in order to be a Cub fan you must first be able to forget the last 80 years of baseball, or really just know nothing about baseball. Cub fans are always talking like being 12 games back in September is no big deal. I'm so glad I'm not a Cub fan.

2. Why Seinfeld is off the air. Seinfeld is the greatest show to ever grace a television set. Its syndication has higher ratings than most popular shows today. I'm sure if Seinfeld, even in syndication, was returned to primetime TV it would still be the #1 show in America.

3. Pro-life (the label that is). I do not get how people who call themselves pro-life can be against all the moral issues of raising a child. A more accurate term would be pro-birth, because life doesn't stop at birth. It's like they celebrate the birth but ignore the viscous cycle that they are born into.

4. English. I really do not fully understand the English language. Or maybe I don't understand why you can't say what you truly mean with the English language. English is truly a beautiful language for the prose, but politicians have yet to master the ability to speak their feelings without being hammered by the opposing Party. You have to talk in circles and certain words just can't be spoken. Surely after a thousand years or so English could have solved this problem.

5. Reagan. I cannot understand why Reagan is not allowed to be included in the debate about the causes of present-day terrorism. I'm actually floored that the neocons have actually been successful at defining the debate to where it starts and stops at Clinton. To mention Reagan in the light that he was actually the one who not only created both bin Laden and Saddam is to commit blasphemy against God and country. That has to change.

Again, sorry this took me so long, but I'm not the most efficient blogger. If you have not visited Household6's site, you should. Her husband is in, well I'm not sure where he is, but he's in the military stationed somewhere and all of us who so indolently go about our day should give thanks to Household6 and her family for their sacrifice. The burden of this post 9/11 world is unfairly placed on them. Never before in the history of this country has so much been asked from so few. Thank you Household6.


Household6 said...

No apologies required. It was meant to be a bit of fun but thanks for wasting your time anyways MJ!

My spouse is in Afghanistan. Hey Ok that's in my profile too! Sorry I am not always here to make serious commentary on my blog and MJ has some pretty interesting concepts and ideals. I was curious to see what bugged him and they were damn good too. :-)


Sminklemeyer said...

I am pro life because my parents nearly had an abortion with me, but I do not believe that the self-proclaimed pro lifers are truly “pro life.” See, most people who don’t believe in abortion believe in the death penalty, something I’m also against. I’ve always wondered how you can be for life in one situation and not the next. I, too, am lazy when it comes to responding to tags.

Household6 said...

Your right Smink! I hadn't looked at it that way before. So how is it or does it have an effect on religious belief on the right for a child to be born but then turn around and end their life for committing a heinous crime?

See told you MJ had good things to ponder about.

Cooper said...

Don’t blame you on the cub fan thing I don’t get baseball- mania in general.

I never liked Seinfield when it was on but find it funny now.

I think not all pro-lifers are the same.

English. You understand the English language you just don’t understand why people aren’t allowed to say what they mean.

Reagan. The reason was because he was old , half dead and no one wanted to tread there as it would have made the liberals look bad to put it out there while he was infirm.

Chris said...

Joseph, I understand not doing any tags. I try not to pass them on anymore. Usually when I pass them on, I feel like I'm in debt to them. But I did this one just for HH6, cause she is such a great girl. Thanks for reading.

HH6, thanks for the compliments. You're starting to spoil me. I wish you and your husband the best of luck and a safe return. And thank you all for your sacrifice.

Smink, you are very right. It's not that I'm against abortion, because there are times that it's needed, but I don't believe that it should be used as a form of birth control. But the term "pro-life" is very inaccurate. And the death penalty is yet another example. I'm from Illinois, so my views on the death penalty are very skewed.

Alice, oh I get the baseball mania thing just fine. I love baseball. Go Cardinals!! I suppose you could say that I'm a Cub hater. Their fans just irritate me.

I love your explaination for Reagan. I think Reagan was a decent president. But we can't ignore that he is almost entirely and solely responsible for todays master terrorists. Republicans and neocons don't want to talk about that. They are trying to make it a crime to do so.

Yeah, but the guy was old.

Is that your ass?