
Why Now?

I must admit I am a little annoyed at Bob Woodward.

People can think what they will about Deep Throat, Linda Tripp, Bill Clinton, Monica and all of the other famous White House scandals, but right now I’m a little peeved at journalism.

The day the Vanity Fair story broke to the public I read it like millions of other people. After reading it I said, “This doesn’t prove that Mark Felt was Deep Throat.” I thought the VF story did just the opposite actually. I mean it takes an old man obviously suffering from some memory loss and his family who obviously wants some money and a lawyer who is obviously caught up in the “romance” of the era and narrates all of it into a guess that maybe the old man was Deep Throat.

There was no evidence directly linking Felt to the famous dark shadowed man in a parking garage. And only once in the entire article did it quote Felt as admitting to being Deep Throat, and even then it was sketchy. I kept waiting for the author to directly come out and say that Felt admits to everything and wants the world to know. That never happened. Even the mentions of Woodward never implicated Felt as the anonymous source.

So, that morning, I put down the article and laughed and thought there have probably been hundreds of articles written about people claiming to be Deep Throat. All of the burden of proof laid not on Deep Throat himself, but Woodward. I thought to myself, I’d believe it all when Woodward says it. I didn’t see Woodward coming clean to such a hazy, vague article as the one VF printed. After 30 years, it would have to be something much more strong, more concrete to convince Woodward to disclose his source, or so I thought.

Then I was totally floored by Woodward’s admission that Felt was his source. And I have to admit I’m a little disappointed in Woodward’s decision. Woodward has been threatened with prosecution, jail time and death for not disclosing Deep Throat and now a mainstream pop magazine forces him to talk? Maybe I’m just confused.

Today I read Woodward’s side as to how he met Felt and the relationship they formed. Yet, I’m still uncertain as to why Woodward admitted it. To me, and I’m not a journalist, a good journalist never reveals their source, and for 30 years Woodward did just that. Woodward could have easily maintained his off the record attitude and not disclosed Felt, at least until after Felt passed away, which was the original plan. Even after the VF article, which did nothing to convince me of anything, Woodward could have kept silent and left people guessing.

I also understand that by Felt finally coming clean and breaking his vow to never reveal himself, that Woodward was totally released from his word as well. Or was he? I mean, is the VF article really an admission by Felt? I’m not so sure it is.

Woodward, who was actually a registered Illinois Republican at the time of Watergate, led a life and accomplished everything that a young aspiring journalist thrives for, and now I think he’s left this generation of young journalists more confused than ever. Why now?


CaliValleyGirl said...

You sound like a confused young journalist...;-)

I think he was just being human, and wanted to relive the glory days.

Granted he could have waited a few more years, until after Felt's death.

Sminklemeyer said...

I was wondering what the VF article had to do with anything. I mean for all we know Woodward may given Felt the knickname "Deep Throat" for other reasons. Perhaps that's why the daughter was so suspicious... she saw the twinkle in her father's eyes. (Not that there's anything wrong with that)

Cooper said...

I think the mystery is always better than the man.

Deep Throat ya like ya'll wish.

Chris said...

Yeah I agree ValleyGirl, I think I am confused. I am not a journalist, though; and if I were, I would probably be a bad one.

To me, I just don't see the VF article as convincing. It contained absolutely no facts, it was mainly a narration of an old man and his visits. To think that Woodward would devulge one of the greatest mysteries in modern times over an old man that could have been easily labeled as, well, old, makes no sense to me.

I do think Woodward wants to relive his glory days. He's not a young pup either. But CVG, you are old!!!

Sminky?? Is that really you??

I would make a visit on your site, but I'm not sure I'm allowed :) I take it you watch Seinfeld too.

Welcome Alice. Always great to have a new commentor.

Sminklemeyer said...

MJ, you are always welcome to my site. I'm not really posting much anymore. But I really do enjoy yours. After our little tango, I took some time to read your work and it's very provoking. You've made me think about some things I've never thought about before... like how does that lint get in the belly button? Well, some things will never be known, but one thing is for sure... I'll be a frequent commenter.

In the flesh,

Chris said...

Sorry to confuse, Hymer.

No I believe Woodward absolutely knew his source, and him and Felt together did an incredible thing.

I'm just not so certain that Woodward should have revealed his source right now. Or he should not have revealed because of the VF article. That article is horrible, and in no way implicates Woodward to admit to anything.

I too believe that Woodward probably already has a book written and maybe another movie in the works. And since Felt has admitted, why not tell all and make some more money. Yeah, your logic makes sense to me and I do agree with it.

But then again, maybe it's like Alice said, and the mystery is always better than the man. Maybe I'm more disappointed than confused.

Wow, I'm agreeing with Hymer. Now I'm really confused.

Hymer I'm still waiting for the underwear pic.

Chris said...

Taylor I agree.

OK Dem, thanks for reading and commenting.

Sminky boy, I promise I will visit and comment with your site.

Old man Hymer, that's classic man, just classic, and sick all at the same time. I guess I'll take what I can get.

Thanks everyone.