
Revolution Yet?

Shamefully there has been a total lack of attention by the media on what is going on around the country. In addition to yesterdays WV primary, Mississippi also held a special election for the 1st District U.S. House seat. This is one of the most heavily supported Republican districts in the country. Bush won the district in 2004 with over 60% of the vote. What's more amazing is the former Republican incumbent didn't leave in scandal. He was simply appointed to the U.S. Senate leaving a vacancy in his House district. There was no Republican scandal to taint the district or anything to give voters a bad taste about electing another Republican to represent them. Only the national stain of George Bush and Republican incompetence. Nothing local to help tilt the district.

MS-1 by all indicators should have been by far one of the safest GOP House seats around. And guess what? The GOP spent over $1.3 million to defend safe territory and lost it to Democrat Travis Childers!

Even if this was all there was to talk about it is huge for the Dems. But this isn't even close to what's been happening this year. This is the third deep dark red district the GOP has lost this year. Previously this year the GOP lost one of the reddest districts to have ever been drawn in Illinois when it lost former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert's seat. The same thing in Louisiana in Dick Baker's old seat. That makes three pick ups already this year for the Dems.

These aren't swing districts the GOP is losing. These are solid red, historically safe districts for the GOP. In 2006 the Dems picked up 39 House seats, 6 Senate seats and 6 governorships. That equals 42 House seats in less than two years. This dwarfs anything the Republicans accomplished in 1994. But, oh yes, that was a Revolution! and judging from the media's coverage of what the Dems are doing this is no big deal and not worth front page mentions.

Here's a screen shot of CNN this morning. You have to scroll almost to the bottom of the page to find any mention of the Dem pickup.

And not so amazingly here is a screen shot of Fox News this morning which has no mention of anything at all on it's front page.


Kent said...

Funny how Dem candidates campaign like Republicans. Pro-gun, pro-life. Nary a difference between the Dem and the Repub.

Same thing in Louisiana.

Chris said...

Good to see you around Kent. However, I'll say sounds like wishful thinking on your part. As you know, the GOP has never had a monopoly on conservatism. Even though they claim they do, and even though they claim to be "conservative," once in power Republicans govern just the opposite.

Being pro-gun doesn't make you a Republican. I'm a perfect example of that. I also live in an area that is conservative but very Democratic. Same is true for being pro life. I'm also an example of that.

But there are huge differences between the GOP candidate in MS-1 and the Dem candidate. The Dem candidate had no ties to George Bush whatsoever. Which currently is enough to win elections. Also, the Dem candidate is a proud supporter of expanding the CHIP program that Bush vetoed. The Dem candidate also supports Social Security and is against privatizing like Bush and the GOP is trying to do. The Dem candidate is also in favor of greener environmental policies, for stem cell research and very pro union. Hardly a Republican platform.

Sorry Kent, but the sorry tried issues of abortion and guns just aren't enough for Republicans anymore. It's time for the GOP to move into the 21st century.